My name is S, i'm a young muslim woman born and bought up in the UK. According to Mr Cameron i am #traditionallysubmissive. I'll tell you a little bit about myself and let you decide for yourself. I have been working since i was 16 years old and have been contributing to the economy since 21. I got myself an education, and shock horror i actually chose my own subjects, my father did not impose anything on me. I drive, i work, i do pretty much whatever i like (as long as it is permitted in my religion- out of my own choice by the way) but I'm #traditionally submissive according to Mr Cameron. I go on holidays, i shop, i choose my own clothes, i socialise with friends. But i'm #traditionallysubmissive. At the age of 26 i chose to start wearing a hijab and dressing more modestly. Why?? Because i felt this is what i should do, because all beautiful things are covered, a pearl is covered, so why can i not cover myself? No one ever asked me to wear a hijab, i did this through my own free will and ever since i feel liberated. Oh but i am #traditionallysubmissive. My job involves me implementing policies that Mr Cameron and his government impose, but how does it make sense that i am #traditionallysubmissive? Well according to Mr Cameron as a muslim woman i am. There are tons of girls like me, and even more who have achieved things you couldn't even imagine Mr Cameron and would you believe, we are muslim! Islam teaches us cover our beauty, it teaches us about respect, it teaches us about honour and i will have you know we are more liberated then ever, and our liberation comes from our spirituality.
Muslim women have achieved so much, so i do not need to sit here and type up a chronological timeline listing all the great things we have achieved and how we are not #traditionallysubmissive, in fact we are quite the opposite! I will give some fine examples of the kind of people us muslim ladies look upto, and will let you decide for yourself who is #traditionallysubmissive.
Muslim women have achieved so much, so i do not need to sit here and type up a chronological timeline listing all the great things we have achieved and how we are not #traditionallysubmissive, in fact we are quite the opposite! I will give some fine examples of the kind of people us muslim ladies look upto, and will let you decide for yourself who is #traditionallysubmissive.
1) Khadija (radi allahu anhu- May Allah SWT be pleased with her) The elite businesswoman
Even before her marriage to the Prophet Muhammed (sallahu ilayhi wasalam- peace be upon him) Khadija (ra) was an important figure in her own right, she was a successful merchant and one of the most elite figures of Makkah. She had an integral role in supporting and propagating the new faith of Islam and had the honour of being the first muslim. Khadija (ra) actually initiated the marriage with our beloved Prophet Muhammed (saw) and sent a proposal to him. Does this seem submissive at all to you? To me i see an amazing woman who was successful, courageous and determined. A role model. The first muslim, and the woman us muslim ladies look upto.
2) Ai'sha (radi allahu anhu - May Allah SWT be pleased with her) The Scholar
Most famously known as the wife of the Prophet (saw). She was the most beloved wife of the Prophet (saw) and they had a playful and fun relationship. She was perhaps the most influential woman in the Muslim community after the death of her husband and propagated his message to the world. She led an army, the most famous hadiths are narrated by her, she was involved in politics and scholarship. This was by no means a timid lady, this was a remarkable woman who fought in battles, she was independent, she was strong.
3) Asiya (radi allahu anhu- May Allah SWT be pleased with her) - The symbol of patience who stood upto the Pharaon (Pharaoh)
She was a hero, she was the wife of the greatest enemy to Islam yet she rose and she stood against her husband. She was tortured by him and asked to denounce her faith, but she did not. She stood defiantly and held firm onto her belief. She displayed immense patience in the most difficult of trials. She perfected her deen in such a way that she earnt her place in the Holy Quran. Asiya saved a great Prophet of Allah (Musa alayhi salaam) and nurtured him to greatness. This woman chose death over living a life of luxury and royalty. She chose paradise and dreamt of it. She wanted to be close to her Lord. A muslim woman who displayed supreme patience. When i think of this amazing lady i think of strength, that is what first comes to mind.
4) Nusayba b Ka'b Ansariya also known as Umm Ammarah ( radi allahu anhu May Allah SWT be pleased with her)- The Warrior
A member of the Bannu Najjar tribe and one of the earliest reverts to islam in madinah. She took part in the battle of Uhud in which she fought using swords and shields against the Makkans. This lady shielded the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from enemies during the battle and even sustained several lance wounds and arrows as she cast herself infront of him to protect him. She fell unconscious after sustaining many wounds, and it is said that when she woke up the first thing she asked was if the Prophet (saw) was ok. This woman was a warrior, she was brave and courageous. Submissive? I think not!
5) Summayah bint Khayyat (radi allahu anhu- May Allah SWT be pleased with her)- The first Martyr in Islam
The first person to be martyred for having adopted the faith of Islam. Summayah was a devoted wife and mother, she gave all her love to her two sons. She became muslim at a time when it was not accepted, and anyone who outwardly showed they were muslim were in danger of their lives. This lady was brave enough to openly say she was a muslim. Summayah was told that if she stuck by her choice to be a muslim she would be tortured. She stood firm in her beliefs. She was threatened to be killed but did not give up her religion. Summayah was then killed and became the first martyr of Islam. This woman was steadfast in her belief till her end, the prospect of being killed did not phase her. She was not going to give up islam.
The above are just a very few examples of the kind of women us muslim women look upto, the traits these amazing women displayed is what we can only dream of having. These are our heroes, these are the women that make us want to be better, they are not submissive, they are powerful. As a muslim woman, i look at the traits of women like the ones mentioned above and this is what i aspire to be, it is what my religion teaches me to be. Islam does not teach me to be submissive but rather to be the opposite.
So am i #traditionallysubmissive? Or Am i dominating? The truth is i am neither. I do not need to label myself as anything, and i will not label any muslim women, or any woman in fact, because we are all different beings. So stop labelling us as timid, branding us as opressed women or claiming we are dominated. We are independent, we are strong and we are successful.
Here's to celebrating what muslim women really are! Amazing, wonderful, and liberated!
Even before her marriage to the Prophet Muhammed (sallahu ilayhi wasalam- peace be upon him) Khadija (ra) was an important figure in her own right, she was a successful merchant and one of the most elite figures of Makkah. She had an integral role in supporting and propagating the new faith of Islam and had the honour of being the first muslim. Khadija (ra) actually initiated the marriage with our beloved Prophet Muhammed (saw) and sent a proposal to him. Does this seem submissive at all to you? To me i see an amazing woman who was successful, courageous and determined. A role model. The first muslim, and the woman us muslim ladies look upto.
2) Ai'sha (radi allahu anhu - May Allah SWT be pleased with her) The Scholar
Most famously known as the wife of the Prophet (saw). She was the most beloved wife of the Prophet (saw) and they had a playful and fun relationship. She was perhaps the most influential woman in the Muslim community after the death of her husband and propagated his message to the world. She led an army, the most famous hadiths are narrated by her, she was involved in politics and scholarship. This was by no means a timid lady, this was a remarkable woman who fought in battles, she was independent, she was strong.
3) Asiya (radi allahu anhu- May Allah SWT be pleased with her) - The symbol of patience who stood upto the Pharaon (Pharaoh)
She was a hero, she was the wife of the greatest enemy to Islam yet she rose and she stood against her husband. She was tortured by him and asked to denounce her faith, but she did not. She stood defiantly and held firm onto her belief. She displayed immense patience in the most difficult of trials. She perfected her deen in such a way that she earnt her place in the Holy Quran. Asiya saved a great Prophet of Allah (Musa alayhi salaam) and nurtured him to greatness. This woman chose death over living a life of luxury and royalty. She chose paradise and dreamt of it. She wanted to be close to her Lord. A muslim woman who displayed supreme patience. When i think of this amazing lady i think of strength, that is what first comes to mind.
4) Nusayba b Ka'b Ansariya also known as Umm Ammarah ( radi allahu anhu May Allah SWT be pleased with her)- The Warrior
A member of the Bannu Najjar tribe and one of the earliest reverts to islam in madinah. She took part in the battle of Uhud in which she fought using swords and shields against the Makkans. This lady shielded the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from enemies during the battle and even sustained several lance wounds and arrows as she cast herself infront of him to protect him. She fell unconscious after sustaining many wounds, and it is said that when she woke up the first thing she asked was if the Prophet (saw) was ok. This woman was a warrior, she was brave and courageous. Submissive? I think not!
5) Summayah bint Khayyat (radi allahu anhu- May Allah SWT be pleased with her)- The first Martyr in Islam
The first person to be martyred for having adopted the faith of Islam. Summayah was a devoted wife and mother, she gave all her love to her two sons. She became muslim at a time when it was not accepted, and anyone who outwardly showed they were muslim were in danger of their lives. This lady was brave enough to openly say she was a muslim. Summayah was told that if she stuck by her choice to be a muslim she would be tortured. She stood firm in her beliefs. She was threatened to be killed but did not give up her religion. Summayah was then killed and became the first martyr of Islam. This woman was steadfast in her belief till her end, the prospect of being killed did not phase her. She was not going to give up islam.
The above are just a very few examples of the kind of women us muslim women look upto, the traits these amazing women displayed is what we can only dream of having. These are our heroes, these are the women that make us want to be better, they are not submissive, they are powerful. As a muslim woman, i look at the traits of women like the ones mentioned above and this is what i aspire to be, it is what my religion teaches me to be. Islam does not teach me to be submissive but rather to be the opposite.
So am i #traditionallysubmissive? Or Am i dominating? The truth is i am neither. I do not need to label myself as anything, and i will not label any muslim women, or any woman in fact, because we are all different beings. So stop labelling us as timid, branding us as opressed women or claiming we are dominated. We are independent, we are strong and we are successful.
Here's to celebrating what muslim women really are! Amazing, wonderful, and liberated!